Technical SEO Agency for Small Business

In addition to ranking for keywords for SEO purposes, improving technical SEO factors is also a big factor in how well your site ranks. NxtGen Marketing is your go-to technical SEO agency so you can focus on growing your business while we improve your site metrics.

technical seo agency
Technical SEO Agency

We Leverage Industry-Leading Methods to Improve Site Performance and Increase Technical SEO Scores

Regardless of how well you rank for valuable keywords in your industry, a poorly optimized site can be the difference between being on the first and third pages of results. Our technical SEO services include:

Site Speed Enhancement: We audit your site for multiple technical factors, including page load speeds. After identifying pain points in the page loading process, we address issues and help your web pages load faster.

Indexable Content Audit: Another thing we look for while performing technical SEO services is looking at how well search engines can crawl and recognize the content in your site. We ensure that Google and other popular search engines can access and read your site’s content for more accurate ranking.

Mobile Optimization & Accessibility: While tedious, keeping your site up-to-date from a mobile optimization and accessibility standpoint is crucial. NxtGen marketing is here to improve how well your site is displayed across all mobile devices while also making sure content on your site is accessible for those browsing with impairments or disabilities.

Structured Data Markup: A large portion of traffic from Google results is achieved through rich snippets within search engine results. Our technical SEO services ensure your site is properly set up to provide rich snippets to search engines for optimal click rates on keywords you’re targeting.

Robust Security Measures: A secure website is essential for maintaining user trust and improving search rankings. We implement strong security protocols, including SSL certificates and regular security audits, to protect your site from vulnerabilities and ensure it's a safe place for your visitors.

Canonicalization & URL Optimization: We tackle issues of duplicate content and URL structure to ensure search engines understand which pages are most important and how they relate to each other. This process helps prevent confusion and ensures that your site's authority is accurately concentrated.

Error Resolution & Site Health: Our team regularly scans for 404 errors, broken links, and other site health issues that can negatively impact your user experience and search rankings. By promptly addressing these problems, we ensure a smoother, more enjoyable journey for your visitors.

Advanced Analytics Integration: Understanding your website's performance is key to continuous improvement. We set up advanced tracking and reporting to provide you with actionable insights, allowing for informed decisions and strategic adjustments in your SEO campaign.

Get Technical SEO Services

Ready to optimize your technical SEO? Contact us today to get started on enhancing your website's foundation and boosting its visibility in search results.


What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO involves optimizing the backend of your website to improve search engine rankings and enhance user experience.

While some aspects might require a one-off fix, ongoing maintenance is essential for sustained results.

Unlike standard SEO, which focuses on content and external factors, Technical SEO centers on backend improvements like speed, indexing, and code quality.

Visible improvements from technical SEO can typically be seen within 3 to 6 months, depending on the complexity of the tasks.

Absolutely, Technical SEO is crucial for e-commerce platforms to handle issues like duplicate content, optimize product pages, and improve site speed.

We primarily target website speed, mobile-friendliness, indexing, crawlability, site architecture, and security enhancements.

We strictly follow search engine guidelines in all our technical SEO implementations to ensure long-term sustainability.

Our approach involves working closely with your in-house digital marketing or IT team to align our efforts with your business goals and internal processes.

Basic requirements include access to your website's backend, analytics tools, and collaboration with your technical team for seamless implementation.

We offer ongoing support and maintenance to adapt to changing algorithms and ensure your website continues to meet technical SEO standards. Contact us for more details.